Our Database/Tools


A Comprehensive Database containing T2T-Jin668, LessGaps-YZ1 and TM-1 genome resources used for Functional Genomics Research in Cotton.

T2T Cotton-Hub


An integrated CRISPR community encompassing target sgRNA design, editing results detection, and large language models related to CRISPR.

CRISPR All in One


A comprehensive scRNA database that developed for providing the transcriptomic landscape of major cell types of cotton at single-cell resolution.

Cell Landscape Cotton


A comprehensive and accurate resource of cell markers and web tool for various cell types in tissues of plant species to explore single-cell landscape.

Plant Single Cell Hub


A comprehensive insect database and user-friendly web application.


Galaxy Cotton

An open platform for supporting data intensive research in cotton.

Galaxy Cotton


A web-based database of plant and biological stress interactions.



Insect Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Consortium is an ongoing collaboration of research groups in GCGI.


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Latest Publications

Precise fine-turning of GhTFL1 by base editing tools defines ideal cotton plant architecture

  • Date: 26 February, 2024
  • Journal: Genome Biology
  • Authors: Guanying Wang, Fuqiu Wang, Zhongping Xu, Ying Wang, Can Zhang, Yi Zhou, Fengjiao Hui, Xiyan Yang, Xinhui Nie, Xianlong Zhang & Shuangxia Jin
  • Results: Here, we develop a set of highly efficient base editors in cotton plants. GhABE8e, which is fused to conventional nCas9, exhibits 99.9% editing efficiency, compared to GhABE7.10 with 64.9%, and no off-target editing is detected. We further replace nCas9 with dCpf1, which recognizes TTTV PAM sequences, to broaden the range of the target site. To explore the functional divergence of TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1), we edit the non-coding and coding regions of GhTFL1 with 26 targets to generate a comprehensive allelic population including 300 independent lines in cotton. This allows hidden pleiotropic roles for GhTFL1 to be revealed and allows us to rapidly achieve directed domestication of cotton and create ideotype germplasm with moderate height, shortened fruiting branches, compact plant, and early-flowering. Further, by exploring the molecular mechanism of the GhTFL1L86P and GhTFL1K53G+S78G mutations, we find that the GhTFL1L86P mutation weakens the binding strength of the GhTFL1 to other proteins but does not lead to a complete loss of GhTFL1 function.
  • Keywords: Cotton, Genome editing, Base editor, Directed evolution, Plant ideotype
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Gene Editing Breeding Innovation Term

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